Its a bird...Its a a moron!

So I watched Michael Moore on Larry King Live this week. I've always heard of him as a propaganda master with too much time on his hands. But his latest movie "SICKO" was all about how screwed up our health care system is, so I was willing to give him an open ear.
That's before he made the following statement:
"We are one of the only sophisticated countries in the world to not have universal health care. And its not like we couldn't do it. It would run just like our social security system."
What an idiot! If he would have watched the very network he was appearing on, he would realize that our social security system might not exist in the next 20 years. If that's how the government will dictate the type of health coverage the American people will have, forget it!
I should be congratulated. I've successfully found the only entity that makes less sense than universal health care.
(I'll give you a hint: its the buffoon-looking-gentleman at the top of the page)
Moore is an idiot.
i agree with winters...
Complete moron! care plans from a morbidly obese guy with only a high school education. Right.
The "Far Left" often use idiots to be their spokesmen.
With the likes of Michael Moore, such "spokesmen" usually speak out of both ends of their esophegeal-anal tract. No matter which end he speaks out of, the sound is about the same and the smell IS the same.
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