Day 4 of Unemployment
When you're not working, time becomes available to spend on your hobbies. One of mine, as some of you don't know, is cooking. This is a picture of my lunch from today. Carrots, strawberries, brown rice, and pecan-crusted salmon (sort-of my own recipe). If any of you want to know how to make it, let me know and I'll post the recipe.
I also got to spend some time talking about church stuff with Grant and Nathan. I really wish I looked forward to Easter more than I do, but there's so much work that needs to be done between now and then (I hope to have a job by then, otherwise I think my pastors will make me very busy).
It's supposed to snow again tomorrow. Considering that snow won't get me off work and that I have no friends in walking distance, a snow day will mean nothing to me. If conditions are driveable, bring it on. Otherwise, no thanks.
Either way, I plan on getting up at 7 (this is early when you have no job) and working on school. And I think I'll finish my last box of thin mints. I polished off my first box in 24 hours. Honestly, I impress myself.
You're not the only one impressed--that beautiful plate of home-cooked food would make any mom proud. ;^) (and might provide a nice healthy blanket for all those thin mints!)
You know, I could use a part-time assistant...
Those darn Girl Scouts are doing us all in! I just finished off a box of Tag-a-longs! Your dinner looked beautiful!
We could have a "manny" opening if you are interested :)
Tommy would be super impressed! I know I am... oh and Jenny gave me your blog address. I hope you don't mind an occasional snoop.
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