So a lot has run through my mind lately...
...things I'm glad to be thinking about.
A lot of poor people live in Arkansas (and the US and even more so the world, for that matter). The current U.S health care system is a joke, as insurance companies barely pay for anything. But, a bigger joke would be universal health care. For instance, I recently heard a British economist predict that such a system would bankrupt the U.S. One can also look at the French or Canadian health care system and understand how much worse off we would be if we had a government-funded health care system. Idealogically, universal health care is a great idea. But so was communism. Functionally, it wouldn't work because the brightest minds wouldn't go into medicine because they likely wouldn't be paid as well and the medicinal treatment will decline in quality. And to reiterate, the government couldn't afford it anyway.
As a follower of Christ,however, its hard for me to just shrug off the health care problem in America. I believe that something must be done, and those of us who have the ability should do something to assist those who cannot afford it. While there is much I need to investigate further, such as the ins and outs of medicaid (free health insurance for the poor or disabled), I want all who read this to begin thinking of ways to combat this problem. I'm so interested in this existing need that I've even begun to conceptualize starting a non-profit group that will raise money to pay medical bills for people who can't afford them. I know similar groups exist, but I don't know of any that are focused solely on caring for the poor so the government won't have to. This is all something I was just thinking over last night, so I'm very open to suggestions. Be thinking.
Does anyone know of any existing groups who do this? How could such a group be started?