
Sunday, June 24, 2007


So a lot has run through my mind lately...

...things I'm glad to be thinking about.

A lot of poor people live in Arkansas (and the US and even more so the world, for that matter). The current U.S health care system is a joke, as insurance companies barely pay for anything. But, a bigger joke would be universal health care. For instance, I recently heard a British economist predict that such a system would bankrupt the U.S. One can also look at the French or Canadian health care system and understand how much worse off we would be if we had a government-funded health care system. Idealogically, universal health care is a great idea. But so was communism. Functionally, it wouldn't work because the brightest minds wouldn't go into medicine because they likely wouldn't be paid as well and the medicinal treatment will decline in quality. And to reiterate, the government couldn't afford it anyway.

As a follower of Christ,however, its hard for me to just shrug off the health care problem in America. I believe that something must be done, and those of us who have the ability should do something to assist those who cannot afford it. While there is much I need to investigate further, such as the ins and outs of medicaid (free health insurance for the poor or disabled), I want all who read this to begin thinking of ways to combat this problem. I'm so interested in this existing need that I've even begun to conceptualize starting a non-profit group that will raise money to pay medical bills for people who can't afford them. I know similar groups exist, but I don't know of any that are focused solely on caring for the poor so the government won't have to. This is all something I was just thinking over last night, so I'm very open to suggestions. Be thinking.

Does anyone know of any existing groups who do this? How could such a group be started?

Friday, June 15, 2007

For the kid in each of us

This week has been great. Two amazing things occurred.

First, on Monday, I was watching "That 70's Show" with Justin. Kelso mentioned that he wanted a bowl of Fruity Pebbles. It brought me back to a day when I wanted a bowl of Fruity Pebbles. Suddenly, I did want a bowl of Fruity Pebbles. So much so that I turned to Justin and said, "I want a bowl of Fruity Pebbles." While I meant this in jest, I was also serious. That's when it happened. Justin turned his thicker-by-the-day bearded face to me and said, "Jason left some up in the cabinet, I think its still there." [For those of you who don't know Jason, he's one of our 3 missionary friends serving the Lord on African soil] And in fact, Jason had left his Fruity Pebbles in the states. Ask and I did receive.

And yes, I did finish the bag then and there. Thanks Jason.

Then today, I accomplished one of my childhood desires. I bought a treat from an Ice Cream truck. I always thought those things were a little creepy. Not the guys who drive them, they seem normal enough. What gets me is the way they appear to warn you of their presence long before they actually arrive. One could be miles away, but you can still hear its circus music as it inches closer and closer and closer. Its like an Ice Cream truck has its own anthem, its own theme music, its own soundtrack. Ice Cream trucks are like Jaws. Anyway, as I clutched my chocolate chip ice cream sandwich, I proceeded to tell the driver of the ice cream truck that I had just checked off one of my childhood dreams. To my sadness, he sighed and said, "Mine was to go to Disney World. Still haven't done that."

Make a dream come true for someone, even if that someone is you. That's ok every once in a while too.

Friday, June 01, 2007



The word itself can have many different facets. Soldiers go through many different kinds of it. Actors experience many different forms, such as vocal, movement, fencing (if they were in Pirates of the Caribbean or Lord of the Rings). You go through it anytime you have a new job. You push through it when involved in competitive sports. That's the training most of us are more experienced with. So lets think on that version of it for a moment...

We've all felt the soreness after a good workout. "My chest is so tight, its killing me...I had a GREAT workout!" That kind of pain is ok. I get excited by that kind of discomfort. Why? Because I now have proof that what I went through bears results.

We rarely see the results while we're in the weightroom. That's where the work is hard and the time goes by slowly. The sweat burns your eyes and your lungs explode during the conditioning. Your body is tired and your mind tells it things that aren't true. This time is very much...not fun.

I've noticed similarities in my life. Take my present situation. I'm 24, a full-time marketing rep and full-time grad student. I'm not married (which has pros and cons). I've got hobbies that lead to goals that I cannot reach right away at this stage in my life. I long for the day I'll have more opportunities to teach, preach, write, and lead. I want to write books. I want to start acting in local productions at Little Rock's theatre called "The Rep." One of my best friends and I would like to start a ministry together. I sometimes think I'd like to work in sports marketing. I sometimes think I'd like to work in advertising. I sometimes think I'd like to work in public relations (which I kinda do already I guess). I sometimes think I'd like to move to Hollywood for a year and pursue acting. Did I mention one of my goals is to be in a movie someday? I sometimes think I'd make a good fundraiser for a non-profit organization. Or a business communication consultant for fortune 500 companies.

I know, I know. All of these goals will not be reached. And I doubt I'll work in every career I just mentioned. I don't think I want to work in that many different careers. I'm at a somewhat weird place in life. There are many different directions life could take. As young as I am, there are many different paths God may lead me down throughout the course of my life, to spread seed in several different settings. I am not settled. I am not finished. I am not comfortable. I am...training. I am being trained. This is training time.

There is more I want to accomplish, do, and see. But there is much I am not ready for. I look forward to what is next. But I can think back and remember very fun times taking place in a weightroom. I'm glad I didn't let the pain and discomfort prevent me from making the most of and even enjoying my time there. Neither will I rush through this current phase.

What's next? God only knows, but I trust Him. I desire to seek Him with all my heart so that my own ambitions and yearnings will be lost and found within His palm. He has led me through previous times of uncertainty, through numerous times of want and need. Though the training may be long, the learning will be mine.

How about you? What kind of training are my brothers and sisters currently going through?